Friday, August 8, 2008

"Sidney Bosley & Rob Perkins" - AP Conference Post

The second breakout session of the day was titled "All Change: A Worm's Eye View" presented by Sidney Bosley and Rob Perkins of Goodby Silverstein & Partners.

If you're interested in Connections Planning, this is the post for you.

Bosley and Perkins presented a model for context mapping. They admitted this tool is still in development, it's a work in progress, but hopefully it's something that planners can add to their toolkit.

Instead of just creating creative, can we integrate media use that also changes behavior and gets our brands talked about? Some creatives already intuitively integrate place as part of their idea, but how can we inspire more creative media ideas?

We can't just tell them to do a tv spot or do interactive but this is where we have a gap in knowledge. Planners have developed methods for everything from research to the ad idea but the innovation and inspiration on where to place that ad idea is lacking. We currently use syndicated media research, the brief doesn't currently inspire in this area..."along with our regular day job of inspiring creative ideas, how do we inspire the media placement?"

To begin, there should be a canvas rather than an execution. One platform is too prescriptive but multiple platforms are more organic and welcome. [Let's think back to the brand POV vs. USP and platforms vs. channels.]

The tool: Context Mapping
  • A brainstorm tool
  • Moments on a timeline: potential interaction, event, could be media - people gather here, wait here, are here; these are the starting places
  • Timeline: chronological, day in the life, product journey, scenarios stemming from the creative idea (telling a story or beginning it); tend to focus on chronological points in time, this can be actual or a "what if?"
  • Context insights about specific moments: what is the target thinking, what are they doing, how can the experience be enhanced, what are their frustrations? Further research may be needed around each moment on the timeline

This tool has a lot of interesting implications for inspiring richer media ideas and purposeful media use.

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