Monday, October 20, 2008

Not In A Long While

Wow, how I have let the time pass. For good reason though...I've been thinking about a lot, making a lot of decisions, taking a lot of time to take care of myself.

There are a lot of things that I want to add to this blog very quickly so I want to do a posting of highlights of exciting Plannerly things that I have been able to do in the past few (how long has it been since I last posted?)...months.

For one, I have moderated!! I am a master at the back-end of research - all the setting up, recruiting, and running of groups. And now I have finally conducted the research myself. My first group moderated was for new business for our Seattle office - awesome! I really didn't have time to get nervous about the actual group because I was handling all of the recruiting, coordinating, and setting up on my own. The day of the group I was a little nervous but decided to have fun with it, and I totally did! I also did three interviews that day. Afterwards I felt confident that moderating was something I could do and have a lot of fun with.

And I did! Just last week I moderated my second group. This time with college students which was a lot of fun. This was for my account...

That's right, my account. I have been very active on an account in our agency to the extent that I am really the Planner on it. Now there are a few things about it: 1) it's one of the smallest accounts in the agency, 2) it's led by me because the other planners don't want it or don't have time for it, and 3) it has not always been easy to work on this account. But I am growing and learning and I'm just trying to look at the whole thing as a great educational opportunity for me. I'm working with teams of AS and creative people, I'm talking directly to the client and have presented a few things to them (over the phone and in person), and I have to deal with conflicts and obstacles as they come up. The great thing is that I really feel like I'm getting to a place where I'm more comfortable with my team and that they're coming to me for my advice and direction because I have tried to always be there for them and prove myself.

Oh, so much going on!

And on to life outside of the office...I am finally moving out of my hell hole apartment!! Woohoooo!!! It is long past time to leave this place behind and I move out next week.

Unfortunately, things aren't completely certain right now. I have decided to move into a friend's house as she is trying to sell it and I am trying to save a little money. *I'm 90% sure right now that I will be moving into this house.* I'll help her out and she'll help me out by doing this. But this will be a short-term solution as eventually the house will sell and I will have to be on my way. But this is giving me the opportunity to really get out of a shitty situation while I look for something better.

So as you can see there are a few things on my mind. I have been working a TON and trying to coordinate everything for the move and it has not been easy. Yep, I'm stressing! But I wanted to get back to blogging to see if letting some of it out here would help.

I surely hope to have more good news about work as I just continue to learn and grow!

Hooray for posting after a really long ass time. :)

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