Saturday, September 13, 2008

Darn Ike

Well, Ike is hitting Dallas now with a pretty steady stream of rain. We seem to have come through the windy phase and I'm glad - no tornadoes for me, please.

I've been following the storm for a few days now and I'm just trying to keep all of my friends in Galveston and Houston in mind. I texted a lot of people today to make sure they were okay and it seems like there's a lot of power outage but overall people are safe.

There's just one friend I haven't heard back from but I'm hoping that she has just turned off her cell phone to conserve battery power - Mary, get back to me when you can.

Another friend's parents' house got hit very badly so I'm hoping to get an update at some point. A tree fell on their house and it flooded - no good.

Apparently the rain completely missed Austin though they needed it, and I really didn't think we were going to get much of anything until it finally started raining. I'm on the west side of Dallas, though, so I imagine I'm getting a lot less of it than some.

All and all, millions of people are without electricity, thousands didn't evacuate from Galveston and are in bad shape, and I'm just trying to make sure all of my friends and family are okay.

Go away Ike!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Aw, just read this post and you gave me a shout out! Thanks again for thinking of me during the whole Ike thing. My cell didn't work for SO long due to the power outage so that's why I couldn't respond. I'm so glad no one I know was hurt though there was SO much property damage (I just heard a couple weeks ago from Julie about her parents' sad). Thanks again!