Friday, October 31, 2008

What A Difference

Here I am, sitting at a Corner Bakery with a pomegranate lemonade, enjoying the free WiFi internet and I am starting to look at things with new eyes.

It will still take some time to be fully satisfied, but I took a very important first step - I have finally moved out of my hell hole apartment!


I cannot believe how much I went through at that place. And you know what, it was truly telling when I had cleared everything out of there (which should feel really weird) and the apartment really didn't feel any different to me. I knew then that the place meant absolutely nothing good to me and it will just be so much better for me to be out of there and not have to feel weighed down by the place that I live.


I can't tell you how relaxed I am right now...

So I still have some things to worry about. For one, where I am now is somewhat temporary. I will be house sitting for a friend while she is trying to sell the house...but we'll just see how everything goes.

The fact is, this feels so much better.

On the road towards happiness and feeling more like myself again! Yay.

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