Thursday, February 21, 2008

Little Victories

Man, it has been some time since I talked about my job and specific examples of what has been going on...sorry, life is stepping in and taking over my mental space while I'm not at work. Apartment life is obviously not great right now but that is for other posts. And work has been pretty crazy busy so I haven't had much time to stop and reflect during the day.

I wanted to talk about how sometimes I can't always do a blog post on some of the fun things that happen at work - they're just not a whole blog post worth of stuff. I like to call these happenings "little victories". I'm not sure if I've used that terminology on the blog before, but it's just little moments in my day that make me smile or make me stop and think, "hey, I'm a planner." Yeah...those are the best. :)

A quick example is learning about a new research tool. Have you ever heard of BzzAgent? If not, go look them up because it is an awesome thing - for both marketers and BzzAgents. We might be doing some stuff with them and I just thought that would be a really cool, cutting edge thing to do with some of our brands.

Some other stuff that has been building up and mashing together is my journey towards becoming a real live planner and taking over my own account. My supervisor wanted me to do some things specifically in order to give me essential experience, so I wrote a topline report for some recent focus groups we had. Not the biggest thing in the world, but it's something I should know how to do. (Btw, frequently we have moderators and the toplines are provided.)

I have some other stuff in the pipeline that I hope to talk about soon. In the meantime, I'd like to focus on those little victories that make me smile and try to savor them for a moment.

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