Thursday, September 20, 2007


The phrase "not enough hours in the day" has been coming to mind a lot recently.

Of course I have the normal work hours that take up the daytime, but then getting home and trying to get stuff done is a whole other ballgame. First of all, yes - getting into a work routine with 40 hours a week is an adjustment from school. Yes, I am tired a lot. Often after work I fall asleep at some point. I just can't help it. What with the move, the excitement, and lots of traveling to and from Austin on top of the new job, I am just plain tired.

So I fall asleep and have less time in the evening to do the thousand things that I wrote all over 25 sticky notes that are in my purse, on my desk, coming out of my ears! Right now, if I don't write something down on a sticky note I will forget it. Sometimes I am looking for the sticky notes and the pen and I forget what I was going to write down.

It's an exciting time but it is a busy time. The more I try to get done to clear up my time, the more there seems to be to do. But I think it's good - I like to be busy and I like to have a lot going on. What I'm working towards is being settled and it's probably okay that I'm not there yet as I haven't been working/in Dallas for all that long. It definitely gives me a lot to do in the evenings too so it's a generally very exciting time!

But really, if I had more hours in the day...I'd probably just sleep! ;)

A tribe...or maybe the mob

So I know anyone who is in advertising or has been thinking about entering the advertising world knows and understand that sometimes, based on what the client needs, you will have to work late. It's a given - if you are thinking about advertising and don't know this yet, it's a given. This does not mean that you will work late every single day, it means that sometimes you will need to do something that takes longer than normal office hours.

So today I will be staying a bit later to do some focus groups tonight. I'm fresh and new so this is actually still pretty exciting for me, I have to admit. But what I really wanted to say is that even though I am staying late, I will be taken care of by the agency.

Are you working late? You get food. I think this is pretty common. So I'd like to say we're like the mob (tribe isn't quite as fun) - we take care of family. :D

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Blog Name

Okay, I really should be getting to bed but I want to get in one last blog post for the night.

I briefly wanted to discuss my blog name. I was trying to pick out something that defined me alone and didn't have to do with things I think are fun but I have attached to someone else. For example, something about loving your face would have been appropriate as I use that as a term of endearment...but only for a few select friends. ;) So I started to think about just me (and really that's what this blog is about - me working through my life) and came up with dancing and my astrological sign. I think these two things define me, and they're pretty fun together too. I have a horoscope thing on my Facebook that is sometimes alarmingly dead-on...I like it! And the picture I was going to put up tonight showcases a little booty shakin' but it didn't work for some reason. I will have to work on that next time.

Well hopefully I will get to do this same thing tomorrow evening - once the first surge of posts comes through I can try to focus on a more day by day approach. I'm liking the experience so far. :)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Time for Some Popular Culture

Okay, I have to say that another reason I like my job is I feel compelled to keep up with popular culture and it really pays to know what's going on so you can be in the loop of consumer's lives. Well's just fun! ;)

But recently there has been a lot of great stuff to pay attention to - big events like the VMAs and the Emmys, more reality tv shows than you can handle, and just a bunch of news that makes you pay attention.

So..."It's Britney, bitch!" - Britney has done it again.

I don't know if it was the terrible, stringy hair extensions or the puffy belly. I mean, she doesn't look terrible but she could have looked a lot sexier with more clothes on in this instance. And Perez Hilton is cracking me up with his new tv shows - one where he recapped the VMAs and blasted Britney and the next where he is ironically making fun of Shar Jackson on "Celebrity Rap Superstar".

You know, all Brit needs is a really enthusiastic PR person that will see her daily run-ins with the paparazzi as a challenge and will turn this whole crazy train around! Of course, I did just hear that she turned down a chance to perform with Justin Timberlake (what I believed would be her true comeback) so I'm afraid that she could be too far gone...

So the reality tv show I just can't get enough of right now is "Rock of Love" - Jes needs to win. I'm sure I will have something more to say after the finale.

And finally, a little fun at the Emmys:

These popular culture posts are fun...I'll have to do more. :)

Fun Projects

Entering back into the discussion of how college is not the only time you can have fun in your life/how much fun I am having with all of these exciting new changes, I have some fun projects to work on - just for me, for my life.

So here's my important To Do list: enhance my wardrobe (beef it up, get more work and play clothes, add more accessories), find fun ways to fix up my hair, play with more daytime makeup looks, and decorate my apartment.

Whew! (Not quite as stressful as you might think.) ;)

Dallas Drivers

Okay, I just recently moved from Austin to Dallas. I know, I know - why would I do that? Well, I grew up in Austin and also went to college at UT. I ended up doing both undergrad and grad at UT, taking 5 years. So you should probably be saying it's about time for a move. I just needed to do this, for lots of reasons. How could I keep growing without having some big, new experiences? Austin is awesome and I definitely know that, but I always get to call it home and I have family to go back to, so I'm good with leaving it for now.

So what I have always heard is that Austin drivers are terrible. Well you know what, a lot of Austin drivers are from Houston and Dallas. Let's be honest - they're coming for school and may know their way around their respective cities, but Austin is a little crazy with the road naming and can be tricky to drive around.

The reason I say this is because driving around Dallas is going to give me a heart attack. To preface, I have seen some good driving behaviors - signaling, not stopping (for the most part) in the middle of an intersection, letting people in, and merging. However, Dallasites can't stay in their lanes to save their lives! I have two people squeezing in on me in the middle lane and it makes me feel like I'm going to have a wreck every time I go to and from work.

Also, paying attention when you have a ton of metal under your butt is probably a good idea. I realize that you will sometimes get distracted but a good general rule is to understand that you are out there to travel from point A to point B...and there really shouldn't be a whole lot more going on. Use the trip to have a little "me" time - listen to some music, etc. but try to keep your eyes on the road.

Wish me luck out there with the crazies...

Being a Super-Adult

I've been using this term a lot lately. It probably undermines my actually being an adult a bit, but that's okay to me...define me as young adult, something in the middle.

Well what brought about one of my superhero moments was what you might think is very boring. I signed up for all of my benefits. Health care, insurance, vision, and dental - yes, please! :D That's just something new and made me feel all grown up and snazzy. I mean, the first payday was pretty good but I had a few paying internships and jobs before. I don't know - signing up for my benefits was that first payday-type experience for just made me smile.

I'm a super-adult!

"The Best Times of Your Life"

I kind of want to address this whole idea that the most fun you will ever have in your entire life will be in college - why?? I don't know who's saying this but I feel it is akin to people hearkening back to their high school days (either in college or after - yikes). What's the most fun - paying to do hard work, having less control over the people you live with/around, not making money, doing homework. I mean, of course there are times that you will remember forever and you make some of the best friends of your life, but how is that so different from after college?

I have already seen a noticeable improvement in the way that I get to live my life now that school doesn't control it. First and foremost, I am making my own money from the work I do on a day to day basis. Work for the most part stays at the office, and if it did come home with me it wouldn't necessarily mean I would hang out with it all evening or all weekend. I enjoy being able to come home and focus on all of the things I want to do for me - work out, cook, watch some tv, catch up with friends and family.

Perhaps it's a mind over matter thing - if you believe it won't get any better after college, maybe it won't. But you have a lot of years after college and I'd hate to believe that you couldn't have fun somewhere in there. I think that the next few years will be extremely fun - I'm young, making money, and with free time to spare. That means I can go out with friends without having to worry about homework, spend money a bit more freely, and enjoy every second of it.

Work does have its drawbacks, of course. I'm trying to get used to my schedule so I'm tired a lot, but once I get the hang of that - watch out! ;)

I refuse to believe that life is somehow over because my fun is just getting warmed up.

Of Course!

I just knew that when I started this blog, I would at some point neglect it...I just didn't know it would be so soon. Ah well, I have been making sure to take note of things I wanted to blog about so I should have a flood of posts. I'm gonna write until I get tired...